Discovering cosmetic pigments and handmade indy makeup

Now if you’ve read our ‘About Us’ page and supporting blog post, you might already have a little bit of knowledge regarding my back story and how the brand Flirtsy Cosmetics came to be today.

And it is true that my history with cosmetics as a teen was unfortunate, being a teenage ginger being introduced to makeup was a difficult journey for me.. in the beginning it was all about “cover cover cover – tan tan tan” which as you could imagine, didn’t go down very well with my semi translucent skin. EVERY makeup product I purchased at the time was wayyy too dark for me, leaving me looking like a giant, ginger, oompa loompa. So discovering that I could make my own cosmetics whatever colour I wanted was an absolute game changer for me. This was the obvious beginning into my beloved hobby I now call Flirtsy Cosmetics. And that’s amazing, the concept of personalised makeup is revolutionary but in reality that’s not what firmly grabbed my attention with the hobby.

It was the colours ! The sheer amount of gorgeous pigments with different shades, finishes and properties made my heart flutter. As a wannabe artist who had failed in many many mediums before, like painting, watercolours, ceramics, fimo, soaping, candle making etc. etc. getting to play with all of these raw pigments ( which are the primary ingredient in all those art mediums ) was incredible.

I felt like I had the power of the pigments right at my finger tips ! Did I want to make paint that day? Because I could ! Did I want to create the most vibrant blue eyeshadow i’ve ever seen before? I could do that to ! And as you can imagine the list goes on.. and on.. and on.. haha.

And although I had all of these options available to me, I still loved created eyeshadows the most, other cosmetics as well, but eyeshadows were definitely the star of the show in my cosmetic making experiments.

I remember many years ago, within some of the original ideas of making Flirtsy become a reality, I swore to myself I was going to make one of the largest collection of coloured eyeshadows that had ever been seen before ! A few years on it sounds a little more complex that I naively originally had in mind, but the dream is still as alive and strong today as it was all those years ago

Although I am only *maybe* 10% of my way through this ‘largest collection of eyeshadows ever’ idea, my phone has still certainly paid the price through all of my experimenting. At this point in time I have thousands of photos across all of my devices of absolutely random shots of raw pigments, eyeshadows, batches of lipsticks and the following destruction of said products to get some ‘artsy fartsy’ pictures. Needless to say, my 18y/o self needed to refine her photography skill a lot more, but just look at the gorgeous mess my junior self created.

Try you hand at making your own mineral makeup at home !

It is for all of those aforementioned things ( and more) why is why I’ve created a signature Make Your Own Makeup – DIY Kit. With these kits you too can experience for yourself how enjoyable it is creating your own cosmetics. The empowering feeling of knowing that you’ve personally created what could be, the most standout piece of your outfit for a day. The confidence you’ll feel knowing that you have created that coloured lipstick / eyeshadow / blush ect. that is as unique and individual as you and the skin you live in and suits you perfectly. Least of all to mention that you’ll be making that cosmetic item for a fraction of the cost of a high quality store bought one. And the benefits of our DIY Kits certainly don’t end there.

All of our kits are made up with organic minerals which make up the base component of your cosmetic, be it a lipstick, eyeshadow, blush, bronzer or other product. So coupled with the experience of creating your own makeup products you can rest easy that the makeup products you’re about to fall in love with are also make of organic, skin loving ingredients.

That’s all we have to say about our DIY Kits in this post that’s probably verging on too long, but we will soon be posting a some dedicated blog pages about our “Make Your Own Makeup Kits” ! Until then you can also find information about each kit below.

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