Category: Uncategorized

  • Discovering cosmetic pigments and handmade indy makeup

    Discovering cosmetic pigments and handmade indy makeup

    Now if you’ve read our ‘About Us’ page and supporting blog post, you might already have a little bit of knowledge regarding my back story and how the brand Flirtsy Cosmetics came to be today. And it is true that my history with cosmetics as a teen was unfortunate, being a teenage ginger being introduced…

  • About Us – The Flirtsy Cosmetics story

    About Us – The Flirtsy Cosmetics story

    Welcome to Flirtsy Cosmetics ! I’m so glad to have you here with us on your path of discovering clean and natural beauty. Whether you’re experienced with using all organic makeup products or you’re just touching the surface of discovering the vast differences between clean beauty and mass manufactured products. Flirtsy Cosmetics didn’t even start…