mineral beauty: a blog

Hey there, beauty enthusiasts! Welcome to our vibrant hub of cosmetic knowledge – our blog! 🌟 Dive into a world of all things cosmetics, where we explore the fascinating realms of cosmetics chemistry, recipe formulations, mineral makeup ingredients, pigments, and so much more.

Whether you’re a seasoned makeup artist or a curious DIYer, there’s something for everyone here. From delving into the science behind your favorite beauty products to uncovering the secrets of creating your own custom formulations, our blog archive is your go-to resource for all things beauty-related.

So grab your favorite skincare mask, brew a cup of tea, and get ready to embark on a journey of discovery. Let’s unlock the mysteries of cosmetics together and unleash our inner beauty alchemists! 💄💫

  • Discovering cosmetic pigments and handmade indy makeup

    Now if you’ve read our ‘About Us’ page and supporting blog post, you might already have a little bit of knowledge regarding my back story and how the brand Flirtsy Cosmetics came to be today. And it is true that my history with cosmetics as a teen was unfortunate, being a teenage ginger being introduced…

  • About Us – The Flirtsy Cosmetics story

    Welcome to Flirtsy Cosmetics ! I’m so glad to have you here with us on your path of discovering clean and natural beauty. Whether you’re experienced with using all organic makeup products or you’re just touching the surface of discovering the vast differences between clean beauty and mass manufactured products. Flirtsy Cosmetics didn’t even start…

  • Our First Blog Page !

    Welcome to the Flirtsy Cosmetics – Blog ! To introduce myself, my name is Tamika, the founder of Flirtsy. First and foremost by no means am I a blogger.. i could more accurately be described as a ‘jack of all trades DIY hobbyist ‘ but blogging has never fallen into my extensive list of hobbies…