Author: Tamika Steyn

  • Discovering cosmetic pigments and handmade indy makeup

    Discovering cosmetic pigments and handmade indy makeup

    Now if you’ve read our ‘About Us’ page and supporting blog post, you might already have a little bit of knowledge regarding my back story and how the brand Flirtsy Cosmetics came to be today. And it is true that my history with cosmetics as a teen was unfortunate, being a teenage ginger being introduced…

  • Our First Blog Page !

    Our First Blog Page !

    Welcome to the Flirtsy Cosmetics – Blog ! To introduce myself, my name is Tamika, the founder of Flirtsy. First and foremost by no means am I a blogger.. i could more accurately be described as a ‘jack of all trades DIY hobbyist ‘ but blogging has never fallen into my extensive list of hobbies…